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Tuesday 31/05/2011

Legs, Legs, Legs
Slightly edited shots of the lovely Miss M, chilling out in Amsterdam. Taken with my Sony HX1. Yesterday I met the lovely Miss M in the city and we chilled out for a while on a bench by the water, it was a perfect Summer day, everybody was happy and relaxed, just the way it should be. Of course I used this opportunity to shoot some pictures of her, and as you can see, she was very happy to see me and my camera ruin her day, hahaha. In case you didn't notice it yet, the lovely Miss M is one of the "Brazilian Bikini Babes" :)




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Monday 30/05/2011

Getting Ready For The Trip
Unedited shots of people in Amsterdam, reflected in a puddle. Taken with my Sony HX1. No editing, no magic tricks, no Photoshop. I am preparing for my next bike trip to Germany, because the last one was so much fun. This time I'll try to make it at least to the border, it's about 160 kilometers from here, that's doable in one day, if I don't get a flat tire again, like the last time. I'm excited to hit the road again and can't wait for the trip to start :))




Getting Ready Movie
I've made a reflection movie of this puddle as well, watch it on my YouTube channel, thank you :)

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Sunday 29/05/2011

AmsterSam The Wicked Reflectah
Slightly edited shots of myself, reflected on cars and a pair of sunglasses in Amsterdam. Taken with my HTC Desire mobile phone. No editing besides some fiddling with contrast and saturation, no Photoshop. It's Sunday, it's gray, rainy and windy outside, I've got a bit of a hangover and not much energy left after drinking too much with friends last night, so I'm not going to post any pictures today...oh, wait, hahaha. Have a nice Sunday, stay inside, relax :)




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Saturday 28/05/2011

The Mystery Of The Missing Puddles
Unedited shots of bikers in Amsterdam, reflected in a puddle. Taken with my Sony HX1. No editing, no magic tricks, no Photoshop. In the last days it rained a lot, so I went outside with my camera to shoot some wicked reflections, but strangely enough, all the puddles had disappeared already just a few hours after their creation. I am not sure what happened, my most plausible theory is that some super-evil Villain evaporated them all with a secret, puddle-destroying device to mess up my shooting-spree. I don't know yet if it's some alien force or just somebody who is offended by my photos and decided to make it his job to stop me from taking pictures of each and every building and biker in the best city in the world reflected in a wet spot, but let me tell you Puddle-destroyer, it's ON! Hahaha :D




Missing Puddle Movie
I've made a wicked reflection movie of this puddle as well, watch it on my YouTube channel, thank you :)

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Friday 27/05/2011

The Chillout Crowd
Unedited shots of people reflected in a puddle in Amsterdam. Taken with my Sony HX1. No editing, no magic tricks, no Photoshop. I am soooo lazy...the first week of my Summer vacation is almost ending and I've got nothing to show for it except a couple of issues I've sorted out and looots of time spent snoozing in my bed and on my balcony...not a bad start I'd say, hehe. I am looking forward to another 2 weeks of non-activity and relaxation, I so need this break from work and the everyday-worries, I should really do this more often. Next week I'll be a bit more active, as I'm going to bike to Germany again, to avoid getting bored with the best city in the world, that's gonna be fun again, yay :D




Thank God it's Friday!

Chillout Crowd Movie
I've made a wicked reflection movie of this puddle too, check it out on my YouTube channel, thank you :)

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Thursday 26/05/2011

The Puddle Slackers
Unedited shots of people at the Rembrandtplein in Amsterdam, reflected in a puddle. Taken with my Sony HX1. No editing, no magic tricks, no Photoshop. The first week of my 3-week Summer vacation is almost up and I have reached a state of bliss already, I am so super-relaxed and rested, I'm sleeping 8-10 hours every day, I'm doing almost exclusively things that I want to do and I'm taking it so easy that even when things are not going my way, I shrug it off and continue with a 'Pffft' on my lips, instead of getting upset. I feel a bit like Peter in the movie'Office Space' after he gets hypnotized, I have a smile on my face most of the time and nothing really bothers me...I hope that I can keep this up even after my vacation ends and I'll have to go back to the grind, hehe :)




Puddle Slacker Movies
I've also shot 2 wicked reflection movies of this puddle, check them out on my YouTube channel, thank you :)

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Wednesday 25/05/2011

Phone Smoke Phone
Slightly edited shots of people at the opening of the 'FOAM Pop-in Store' in Amsterdam. Taken with my Sony HX1. A few weeks ago I went to the opening of the 'FOAM Pop-in Store' at the Museumplein, and the place was packed with pretty people, shitty awesome art and they offered free drinks to every visitor, all the ingredients for a great evening. Unfortunately they ran out of drinks rather early, so everybody dispersed to various other festive locations across the best city in the world to continue drinking and celebrating life :)




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Tuesday 24/05/2011

The iPod People
Unedited shots of people in Amsterdam, reflected in a puddle. Taken with my Sony HX1. No editing, no magic tricks, no Photoshop. In my puddle pictures people often look like they came straight out of a commercial for iPods, and now I'm considering suing Apple and going for an early retirement. But then again, I might get bored if I don't have to go to work anymore. I guess it's your lucky day Steve Jobs, that was a close call, hahaha. I am totally enjoying my 3-week Summer vacation, I'm spending a lot of time sitting in the sunshine on my balcony, going for walks through the city looking for puddles, and talking to friends...hmmm, maybe I will sue Apple after all, I could get used to this lazy lifestyle ;-P




iPod People Movie
I've made a wicked reflection movie of this puddle as well, view it on my YouTube channel, thank you :)

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Monday 23/05/2011

The Brazilian Bikini Babes Are Back!
Unedited shots of the lovely Miss M and Miss B in the Oosterpark in Amsterdam, reflected in a puddle. Taken with my Sony HX1. No editing, no magic tricks, no Photoshop. I really hadn't planned on posting so many pictures of my puddle session with the lovely "Brazilian Bikini Babes", but those shots are just so popular that I can't seem to stop putting them online. If I had known that most of the viewers like them as much as I do, I would have taken a lot more photos of the ladies, so that I could keep posting them for the next years to come, lol :))




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Sunday 22/05/2011

Bikes, Bikes, Bikes
Unedited shots of people in Amsterdam, reflected in a puddle. Taken with my Sony HX1. No editing, no magic tricks, no Photoshop. Yesterday my bike, the fabulous, cool Lord Bikenheimer, had a flat tire, for the second time within a month, and I'm seriously getting worried about the loyalty and will to live of my steel horse. The last time this happened, during my Road trip, I was already wondering how it can be that it can lose its air while just standing by the side of the road, and I had to have the inside tube replaced, yesterday I whipped into a shop to buy some ciggies, and when I came back out, the sad sight of the same flat tire welcomed me, something that should not happen, unless I would have biked through a pile of broken glass, which I didn't. So it's off to the bike repair shop again today, to buy another new inside tube, and let me tell you your Lordy Lordship, if this happens again anytime soon, you're going to take a nice, long swim in a canal...well, no, not really, but maybe the threat of raw violence will scare it into keeping the air where it belongs, haha :D




Bikes, Bikes, Bikes Movies
I've made a wicked puddle movie of this puddle too, watch it on my YouTube channel, thanks :)

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Saturday 21/05/2011

The End Is Near!
Slightly edited shots of the lovely Miss M and Miss B in the Oosterpark in Amsterdam, reflected in a puddle. Taken with my Sony HX1. No editing besides a bit of playing around with lightness and contrast, no magic tricks, no Photoshop. The "Brazilian Bikini Babes" are some of my most favorite puddle picture people ever, and going by the views they're getting, I'm not the only one who likes them. It's amazing how something as simple and beautiful as a couple of girls in bikinis can entertain and amaze the humble viewer, so I hope you're enjoying this reprise of our afternoon in the park, because today could be the last day you'll ever be able to hang out on the Interwebs, it's Rapture day, baby, hahaha :D




The End Is Near!
It seems that the world is going to end today, so if things get a bit quiet around this site, I've might have made it to heaven...or I'm too busy looting, hahahaha :D

Image 'borrowed' from!

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Friday 20/05/2011

AmsterSam The Lazy Reflectah
Slightly edited shots of myself, reflected on things in Amsterdam. Taken with my Sony HX1. No editing besides some messing around with contrast and saturation, no magic tricks, no Photoshop. Yes!!! My 3-week Summer vacation has started today and I'm planning on doing as little as possible in this delicious, care-free, liberating, and (please, please, please!) sundrenched period of time. Actually, that's not true, as I am very busy with the final stages of preparations for my College-studies, that I'll hopefully be able to begin later this year, I am working on several projects for clients, I'm going to bike to Germany again, sort out some things in my house that need sorting out, meet with tons of friends and spend lots of quality time with them in the various parks of the best city in the world, and many other exciting, interesting and time-consuming things, so very likely I'll need a vacation from my vacation when I'm done with all that, haha :D




Thank God it's Friday!

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Thursday 19/05/2011

The Green City
Unedited shots of bikers in Amsterdam, reflected in a puddle. Taken with my Sony HX1. No editing, no magic tricks, no Photoshop. Amsterdam is mostly covered with concrete and buildings, so finding a green spot to chill out in a more natural environment is essential to the well-being of the locals and visitors alike, when the sun comes out, everybody rushes to the parks and tries to find a place that is not yet occupied by all the other people trying to avoid the masses and to escape from the traffic and business of the city. In the end you usually find yourself surrounded by billions of others that had the same idea, but at least you tried, lol :)




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Wednesday 18/05/2011

Those Dam People
Unedited shots of people on the Dam square in Amsterdam, reflected in a puddle. Taken with my Sony HX1. No editing, no magic tricks, no Photoshop. Being in the city center of Amsterdam means sharing every square meter with hundreds of people, tourists, locals, aliens, you name it, we got it, and we're practically standing on each others feet, because Amsterdam is a tiny place with narrow streets and shoe-box sized houses. Maybe it's this closeness that makes it such a charming city, getting to know everybody that you walk past while you're outside very up-close and personal surely helps to create a strong bond between the people, even if we don't want to, haha. Luckily there's always the option to leave the center and spend some time in less frequented areas of the best city in the world :)




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Tuesday 17/05/2011

Dancing In The Park
Unedited shots of the lovely Miss B and Miss M in the Oosterpark in Amsterdam. Taken with my Sony HX1. No editing. The "Brazilian Bikini Babes" are back, this time not reflected in a puddle, but dancing on the grass in the park. They had almost as much fun posing for me as I had shooting them, it was an overall win-win situation...and you're winning too, because you get to see them again while they're enjoying a lovely Summer day :)




Dancing Park Movie
I've made a movie of the ladies dancing in the park as well, view it on my YouTube channel, thank you :)

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Monday 16/05/2011

Ready, Steady, Go!
Unedited shots of people in Amsterdam, reflected in a puddle. Taken with my Sony HX1. No editing, no magic tricks, no Photoshop. I am counting down the days until my 3-week summer vacation starts, just 4 more days of work and then I can enjoy my time off. I'm so looking forward to not doing anything useful for weeks and weeks to come, hopefully combined with lots of sunshine, so that I can maximize my pleasure...or now that I think about it, maybe combined with a little bit of rain every now and then, so that I can shoot plenty of puddles, otherwise I might get bored, haha :D




Ready Steady Go Movie
I've made a reflection movie of this puddle as well, watch it on my YouTube channel, thank you :)

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Sunday 15/05/2011

Brazilian Puddle Ballet
Unedited shots of the lovely Miss M in the Oosterpark in Amsterdam, reflected in a puddle. Taken with my Sony HX1. No editing, no magic tricks, no Photoshop. I've posted some shots of the "Brazilian Bikini Babes" a few days ago, and because they were so popular, here are some more of the lovely Miss M doing a puddle ballet. Shooting people in puddles without a bike is not what I usually do, but for in this case I'm more than happy to make an exception, hehe. I hope that you're having a wonderful Spring too :)




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Saturday 14/05/2011

The Best City In The World
Unedited shots of people in Amsterdam, reflected in a puddle. Taken with my Sony HX1. No editing, no magic tricks, no Photoshop. It's another beautiful, sunny, lovely day in the best city in the world and I am so happy that we've got 2 days of partying, fun and relaxation ahead of us. What's even more exciting, after next week, I'll be off for 3 weeks, lots of time to go on bike trips to foreign countries, hang out in the parks with pretty girls, go out with friends and drink until the sun comes up and all those other excellent things that make a vacation such a great thing to enjoy :D




Best City Movie
I've made a wicked reflection movie of this puddle as well, watch it on my YouTube channel, thank you :)

Scientists Cure Cancer
Researchers at the University of Alberta, in Edmonton, Canada have cured cancer last week, yet there is a little ripple in the news or in TV. It is a simple technique using very basic drug. The method employs dichloroacetate, which is currently used to treat metabolic disorders. So, there is no concern of side effects or about their long term effects...

Image 'borrowed' from!


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Friday 13/05/2011

Brazilian Bikini Babes
Unedited shots of the lovely Miss M and Miss B in Amsterdam, reflected in a puddle. Taken with my Sony HX1. No editing, no magic tricks, no Photoshop. Amsterdam has been enjoying 2 solid months of sunshine and Summer-vibes now, so what's a wicked Reflectah to do if it doesn't rain?! He finds himself a puddle created by the overflow of a drinking-fountain in a park and shoots Brazilian Bikini Babes of course! We had so much fun taking these pictures and laughing about the confused, amused and irritated faces of those walking by, they just couldn't figure out why these girls were dancing in front of a wet spot, that a seemingly insane man kept pointing his camera at, hahaha. Thank you so much for posing for me Miss M and Miss B, that was fun and we'll have to do this again very soon :D




Thank God it's Friday!

Bikini Babes Movie
I've made a wicked reflection movie of the girls in the puddle too, check it out on my YouTube channel, thank you :)

The Beastie Boys Are Back!
The funky Beastie Boys are back and they celebrate their new album with this movie, a must-see :)

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Thursday 12/05/2011

Wicked Wet Victims
Unedited shots of people in Amsterdam, reflected in a puddle. Taken with my Sony HX1. No editing, no magic tricks, no Photoshop. Warning! Beware of a Madman sitting next to puddles, holding a camera! He will promise you to make you an Internet star, but all he really does is posting your reflection on various websites for the entertainment of the online Mob, you will NOT, I repeat, you will NOT become rich and famous by posing for his stoopid puddle pictures! This is all just a big scam, do NOT believe anything he says, just keep biking, ignore this fool and do NOT look into the puddle! Ever! Oops, too late, hahaha. Almost weekend, yay :D




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Wednesday 11/05/2011

Chilling Out With Miss A
Unedited shots of the lovely Miss A chilling out on my balcony in Amsterdam. Taken with my Sony HX1. I love my balcony and I love hanging out with pretty girls, so combining those 2 things always makes for a great day. I really need to find out if there is something like 'Balcony-Chiller' as a paid activity, I'm really good at this and would love to make a living just doing what I do best, lol. If you ever need somebody to hang out in a dedicated, professional way, let me know, I'm your man, and I'll even provide the pretty girls, hahaha :D




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Tuesday 10/05/2011

AmsterSam The Wicked Reflectah
Slightly edited shots of myself, reflected on a car in Amsterdam. Taken with my HTC Desire mobile phone. No editing besides some fiddling with contrast and saturation, no Photoshop. I never seem to tire of shooting myself reflected on various surfaces, and I'm wondering if it's because I'm so vain, or because it just looks wicked, or a healthy mix of both. Whatever the reason, I hope you enjoy seeing me and my phone, because that's all I'm going to post for today, haha. Tomorrow I'll share some more pictures of pretty girls with you, it seems that you like those almost as much as I do :)




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Monday 09/05/2011

Let It Roll
Slightly edited shots of people in Amsterdam, reflected in a puddle. Taken with my HTC Desire mobile phone. No editing besides some added contrast, no Photoshop. The last months have been so warm and sunny, that I am slowly running out of puddles to shoot...or rather, I'm running out of natural puddles and need to rely on man-made wetness, so I follow the street-sweepers who spray the concrete before passing by with their Dirt-sucking car, I sneak up on people carrying liquids in bottles or cans, trying to make them drop them to the ground to create a wet spot, I even considered teasing and pinching children until they cry, just to be able to continue with my wicked water shots, but by now everybody knows me and they start running in the other direction when they see me coming, hahaha :D




Let It Roll Movie
I've made a reflection movie of this puddle as well, watch it on my YouTube channel, thank you :)

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Sunday 08/05/2011

Chillaxing In The Park
Unedited shots of people enjoying the sunshine in the park in Amsterdam yesterday. Taken with my Sony HX1. Yesterday was another perfect, lovely Spring-day and everybody went to the parks or beaches in the best city in the world. I've spent the first half of the day hanging out in the Sarphatipark with 2 pretty girls, later on I moved to the Oosterpark to have a couple of beers with 3 other lovely ladies (and 2 guys, but let's pretend they weren't there, haha), it was such a relaxed, beautiful way of spending my Saturday, I just wish every day could be like that, and that somebody would pay me for wasting my time in excellent company, lol :D







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Saturday 07/05/2011

Best Friends For Life
Unedited shots of the cool Mr. P and the lovely Miss E in Amsterdam. Taken with my Sony HX1. My good friend Mr.P came to visit the best city in the world and we had so much fun together, there's just nothing like spending time with somebody who you've known for a long time. He also got along really nicely with my Amsterdam friends, and he and the lovely Miss E had such animated chats that they didn't even notice me shooting them, and making them famous on the Interwebs, haha. Have a wonderful weekend, enjoy the sunshine, take it easy :)




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Friday 06/05/2011

The Reflected Fair
Unedited shots of the Fair on the Dam square in Amsterdam, reflected in a puddle. Taken with my Sony HX1. No editing, no magic tricks, no Photoshop. The last 2 weeks have been really awesome, I've been superactive and spent lots of time with the best friends in the world, we did so many cool things, for example a bike trip to Germany and a superwild and wicked Queensday celebration that lasted for 3 days, now I'm sitting here with an empty head and eye-rings but utterly happy, bathing in the sunshine on my balcony and looking forward to another great weekend in the best city in the world. I hope you're enjoying yourself too and that you're having a wonderful time...take care, take it easy, have a blast :)




Thank God it's Friday!

Reflected Fair Movie
I've made a wicked reflection movie of this puddle too, check it out on my YouTube channel, thank you :)

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Thursday 05/05/2011

Excuse Me While I Kiss The Sky!
Unedited shots of people at the fair on Dam square in Amsterdam. Taken with my Sony HX1. The big fair on the Dam square is back in town (they might have left again already) and I snapped some shots of those enjoying the rides that are available...personally I don't like any machines that lift me up into the sky or drop me from great heights and such, I think riding a bike in Amsterdam is adventure enough for this wicked Reflectah :)




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Wednesday 04/05/2011

Puddle People Panorama
Unedited shots of people sitting around in Amsterdam, reflected in a puddle. Taken with my Sony HX1. No editing, no magic tricks, no Photoshop. People in puddles are nosy people, they are always wondering why a dude with a camera stopped near them and started shooting the wet ground. They have no idea that they are about to become Internet stars, that are forced to live inside a wicked water world forever, for your entertainment...and if they knew, they still wouldn't stand a chance, I shoot with one hand and faster than my own shadow, mhuahaha :D




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Tuesday 03/05/2011

The Amsterdam Beehive
Unedited shots of people outside 'De Bijenkorf' in Amsterdam, reflected in a puddle. Taken with my Sony HX1. No editing, no magic tricks, no Photoshop. 'De Bijenkorf' a.k.a. The Beehive, a large and famous shop, is housed inside one of the most beautiful buildings in the center of the best city in the world (or maybe it isn't, but I still like it a lot :) but I've only been inside once. I'm not sure if that is because I'm not much of a shopper, or if I spend too much time hunting for puddles outside the hive, but I will try to think about possibly going inside again some time, if I remember...or not, hehe :)




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Monday 02/05/2011

Queensday 2011 In Amsterdam
Unedited shots of people celebrating Queensday in Amsterdam Saturday. Taken with my Sony HX1. Saturday we celebrated Queensday again in the Netherlands, the biggest and best party in Holland/Europe/World, it was tons of fun, everybody had a great time and enjoyed the orange madness. I think every country should have at least one day each year where they go nuts and celebrate together that life is good and that we can all be friends if we want to. I am already looking forward to next year, I hope you had an awesome time :)
















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Sunday 01/05/2011

Queensday 2011 In Amsterdam
Unedited shots of people celebrating Queensday in Amsterdam yesterday. Taken with my Sony HX1. Yesterday we celebrated Queensday again in the Netherlands, the biggest and best party in Holland/Europe/World, it was tons of fun, everybody had a great time and enjoyed the orange madness. I think every country should have at least one day each year where they go nuts and celebrate together that life is good and that we can all be friends if we want to. I am already looking forward to next year, I hope you had an awesome time :)



















Queensday 2011 Movies
I've made some movies of the Queensday party too, you can watch them on my YouTube channel, thanks :)

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Last Month