May 2K7 Tuesday 29/05/2007 I've made the Weather God mad by prematurely announcing a rebound of the summer last week and now it's just raining every day, boohoo... Got something to say about this? Top of Page x x x Thursday 24/05/2007 Today is the first day of my Summer Vacation and right away the weather turned sunny&nice, after some weeks of rain&pain, yay :)) This local Magazin, NL20, has written an Article on Flickr and the 'Amsterdam Mokum' Group, they've interviewed 5 of us and asked for our favorite Photo of's my fav Shot&the Interview, Yay :)) This is the original Shot! Here are just some more random pics from the last days, enjoy :) Got something to say about this? Top of Page x x x Tuesday 08/05/2007 Last week, on the 4th and 5th of may, we remembered the Dead of the War(s), mainly WWII and the other Stupidities afterwards, and we also celebrated our Freedom&Liberty...thank you Freedom&Liberty :)) And then, just when the last Party had ended, the last Country-Folks had finally found the way back to their villages after the Queensday Bash, then, and only then, the RAIN came, that we've all been fearing&waiting for, for those almost 2 superduperlicious Summer-months in Spring, thank you again Freedom&Liberty...and besides, Puddles are really good for taking Photos :)) Got something to say about this? Top of Page x x x Saturday 05/05/2007 Here are the promised Pictures from Queensday, a bit late, but still good :) Got something to say about this? Top of Page x x x Tuesday 01/05/2007 ***Update*** Some of my Photos have made it online already, check GeenStijl and De are some of the Highlights :)) Yesterday we celebrated the infamous Queensday, it was a blast, I'll post some Photos later...meanwhile check out some Pictures I took in the last couple of Days :)) Got something to say about this? Top of Page x x x |