![]() May 2K5 x x x You might've heard the Expression 'Knock yourself out' when something is offered to you by another Person, but this Lady took things to a whole new Level! Could be a Case of 'RTFM', it said it wasn't for internal use! x x x This is really a sad Story, poor Clive David Deborah Wearing, we truly hope that you'll regain your Memory one Day and that you'll remember to come and visit your Mamas favourite Website! x x x As a special May-Feature, we proudly link you up with: The Top 100 Things I'd Do If I Ever Became An Evil Overlord ! Another special something is surely the marvellous Website of the lovely Miss Wurzel Tod from Switzerland...bring some spare Time though, lots of weird Stuff to discover in her Wurzel World! Still got too long to go before the End of the Shift and you feel Bored at Work? How about learning Arabic? Or saving the World? If all fails, go here (NSFW, sort of)! x x x Good News Everybody, it's not just almost Summer, it also seems that with all this WWW-PC-Online-Gaming-Playstation-XBox-Virtual-Girlfriend-Thing we've forced our IQ's way up the Evolution-Ladder within just a very few Generations, so please, if anybody ever tells you to stop your 24-hour-Unreal-Tournament-Session, refer them to this encouraging Source of Wisdom&Happiness! And let's not forget to start this beautiful new Month with another Round of Thanks&Praises to the mighty Peeps at ASPONIRC for sending Hordes of Sperm-encrusted Visitors our Way, we love you :) ! x x x |