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Wednesday 31/08/2011

F*** You August!
Unedited shots of people in Amsterdam, reflected in a puddle. Taken with my Sony HX1. No editing, no magic tricks, no Photoshop. Oh man, August sucked so much, I'm so glad this crappy month is finally over! I can't tell if it was the constant rain pouring out of a sky that was covered in more shades of gray than I could ever imagine existed, the retarded lady that prevented me from starting my school this year because she didn't look at my paperwork properly, the 4th flat tire my stoopid bike had in as many months, the horrible days at work where everything seemed to go completely wrong, the billions of tourists and freshly started students clogging up the streets with their legs and bikes, or just an overall shitty vibe that made this month the piece of sh*t it was, but yeah, I'm glad it's over! Of course it wasn't all bad, I've spent lots of quality time with lovely people, I've laughed a lot, I've set my mind to new, exciting goals, and last but not least, the sun also came out for about 5 hours in August, so I shouldn't complain too much, I just need to re-focus on the nice things and not let the bad things get me down...I know this, but sometimes I don't listen to myself, I guess I've spent too much time hanging out around puddles instead of people, lol :D




F**k You August Movie
I've made a wicked reflection movie of this puddle as well, check it out on my YouTube page, thank you :)

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Tuesday 30/08/2011

Meet Puddle Mom&Pops
Unedited shots of people in Amsterdam, reflected in a puddle. Taken with my Sony HX1. No editing, no magic tricks, no Photoshop. Last weekend I went to the city center to shoot me some puddles, and since it was partially sunny, the downtown area was full of people, who kept staring at me while I was doing my thing. As it is my custom, I started shooting those people who stared at me the most, and now they're stars on the Interwebs without knowing it, maybe that'll teach them that not everybody who is crouching next to puddles and looks insane, actually is insane...we're good at faking it! I guess this lovely couple is most likely not online at all anyway, so they'll miss out twice, haha :)




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Monday 29/08/2011

Fill The Gap
Unedited shots of tourists in Amsterdam. Taken with my Sony HX1. We have plenty of visitors in the best city in the world from around the globe, and it's not always easy to identify the origin of those guests, but sometimes, just sometimes, it's rather obvious where they come from. I bet 1 euro that this family came all the way from the good old US of A to smoke some weed see our Museums and other cultural heritage. I am surprised to see that they so openly promote their being Americans, since it is a standard practice among traveling US citizens to wear a Canadian flag on your backpack, to avoid being identified as such, I guess these folks are relatives of Rex Kramer, the Danger-Seeker, hahaha :D




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Sunday 28/08/2011

Easy Like Sunday Morning
Unedited shots of people in Amsterdam, reflected in a puddle. Taken with my Sony HX1. No editing, no magic tricks, no Photoshop. Yesterday was another typical Dutch Summer day, looooots of rain, a few minutes of sunshine, mooooore rain, some sun, rain, sun, rinse&repeat. I was lucky enough to witness some of the 30-second sunshine-windows and shoot some wicked reflections while they lasted, but I can tell you, it was a bit frustrating, by the time I had the camera out of my bag, the sun had already disappeared again and left me standing all wet in the next rain shower, but stubborn as I am, I didn't give up, my superhero Reflection-Reflex (comparable to Spiderman's Spidey-sense!) would lead me to the next wet spot and make me hunch over it with my finger on the trigger, until I had some proper pictures, and I think it was worth getting wet. Have a nice Sunday :)




Easy Sunday Movie
I've made a wicked reflection movie of this puddle too, watch it on my YouTube channel, thanks :)

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Saturday 27/08/2011

Mind Over Matter
Slightly edited shots of the lovely Miss E on my balcony in Amsterdam. Taken with my Sony HX1. The lovely Miss E came to chill out with me last weekend and we spent some quality time on my balcony with sunshine, coffee and some good books. Naturally I was too distracted by Miss E's charme and good looks to focus on a book myself, so I kept shooting her until my shutter button started to smoke. I don't know what it is about beautiful women and books, but they seem to form some natural alliance to excite men and make them want to make get a pass for the library to stimulate their own cerebral circles a bit...if the pipes weren't already completely blocked by smutty thoughts perceived while watching women reading books, hahaha ;-D




Music For The Weekend

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Friday 26/08/2011

The Weekend Is Here!
Unedited shots of bikers in Amsterdam, reflected in a puddle. Taken with my Sony HX1. No editing, no magic tricks, no Photoshop. Today my weekend started and luckily it did, a heavy Thunderstorm woke me up and my first thought was 'I'm so lucky that I can just turn around in my bed instead of having to hop on my bike and go out there into this miserable excuse of a Summer day!' and I went back to sleep. Once I woke up, I shot a video of the storm, made coffee and watched the sky clear up. Now the sun is shining a bit and I'm getting ready to go out there and do some serious puddle hunting. Have a lovely day, enjoy :)




Thank God it's Friday!

Thank God it's Friday!
Image 'borrowed' from!

Thunderstorm Movie
I've made a wicked movie of the Thunderstorm too, check it out on my Facebook page, thank you :)

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Thursday 25/08/2011

The Bubblelicious Miss A
Unedited shots of the lovely Miss A in Amsterdam, blowing some bubbles. Taken with my Sony HX1. The lovely Miss A came by the other day and found a can of bubble-stuff (what's the official name for this?!) in my house, so she started blowing bubbles all over the place, giving an otherwise gray day a nice little touch of color. She also gave the wooden floor in my livingroom plenty of little, soapy spots, but a true artist can't be bothered by the narrow-minded complaints of a worried homeowner, so she kept blowing and blowing, not unlike the big bad wolf when he paid the 3 little piggie's house a visit, and finally she blew my house in got enclosed in a huge bubble and floated away into the sunset towards a better, brighter future...or at least to a place where the Summer doesn't look like Autumn, lol :)




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Wednesday 24/08/2011

The Yellow Flood
Unedited shots of people in Amsterdam, reflected in a puddle. Taken with my Sony HX1. No editing, no magic tricks, no Photoshop. Help, the Chinese are here! Oh no, wait, it's just a bunch of tourists on their Yellow Bikes, hahaha! I'm just kidding, I'm not afraid of the Chinese, I know they're the new rulers of the planet and all, but I'm sure deep down inside they, like most people, just want to have a nice life with their families and friends, in peace and prosperity. If I should be wrong about this, and all they reallyreally want deep down inside is to dominate and terrorize the rest of the world with their increasing power and wealth, I guess I should prepare my bike for a trip far far away from home and find myself a nice hiding place, lol :D




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Tuesday 23/08/2011

Box Bike Babe
Slightly edited shots of a Box Bike Babe in Amsterdam. Taken with my Sony HX1. In the last 2 years or so, it became extremely fashionable in the best city in the world to have a giant box attached to the steering wheel of your bike. The purpose for this was originally to have more space to stow away bags and other stuff, but quickly it turned out that all these people want to achieve is to terrorize the rest of the population with their oversized boxes. City hall is seriously considering to have the bike-parking metal frames adjusted, so that those humungus atrocities actually fit in there, because unlike a regular bike, these babies require at least 2 or more parking spaces, because of, you guessed it, the boxes. I've never actually seen of these Pod People Box-heads carry anything in it, they really just seem to be there to make a point, which one, I'm not sure, but that could be my limited imagination, lol :)




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Monday 22/08/2011

To The Sky, To The Stars!
Unedited shots of bikers and buildings in Amsterdam, reflected in a puddle. Taken with my Sony HX1. No editing, no magic tricks, no Photoshop. Sometimes, when everything is just right, my puddle pictures look like they were shot in the sky instead of the gutter. It's usually little pebbles or puddle smut that creates this effect, showing us that even ugly or unwanted elements can make some things so much nicer...if this sounds like some kind of metaphor to you, that refers to society and some of the current events going on on this planet, you're a tree-hugging hippie and need to check yourself, lol ;-D




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Sunday 21/08/2011

The Rainbow Rider
Slightly edited shots of bikers in Amsterdam, reflected in a puddle. Taken with my Sony HX1. No editing besides some added contrast and saturation, no magic tricks, no Photoshop. Sometimes I can't resist editing my puddle pictures a bit to make them look even more dramatic and wicked, and I feel like a cheater every time I do this, I guess I'm a picture Puritan and every minimal change to a photo is already one step too far for my blessed little heart and mind, I can hear them screaming 'Doooooon't!', every time I reach for the box with my digital crayons, to add a touch of color or contrast here and there. I can tell you, shooting the wickedest reflections around ain't always easy in itself, but having to listen to a touchy-feely bleeding tree-hugger hippie heart while doing so is something that should earn me at least financial compensation by the EU or the IMF or something, lol :D




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Saturday 20/08/2011

The Perfect Puddle
Unedited shots of people in Amsterdam, reflected in a puddle. Taken with my Sony HX1. No editing, no magic tricks, no Photoshop. Yesterday was a perfect day to shoot some wicked reflections, puddles everywhere, plenty of people in the streets and some sunshine to frolic up the whole scene a bit, so I kept snapping away and took hundreds of pictures to please your eyes. Of course the poor victims of my puddle rage had no idea what was going on and thought I was just another one of those crazy people that you see everywhere doing their crazy thing in the best city in the world...and they might be right, haha :D




Perfect Puddle Movie
I've made a wicked reflection movie of this puddle as well, watch it on my YouTube channel, thank you :)

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Friday 19/08/2011

In Da Hood
Slightly edited shots of the lovely Miss A in Amsterdam, reflected on the hood of a car. Taken with my HTC Desire mobile phone. No editing besides some playing around with contrast and saturation, no magic tricks, no Photoshop. It's Friday, my weekend started and the sun is shining, yay! To celebrate this, I've decided to spoil you with some wicked car reflections of the lovely Miss A, you might remember her from our bike trips to Germany in April and June this year. Miss A is not just looking fine, she's also fit like a Gladiator, she loves climbing and running and hiking, and her biggest wish is to get thrown out of a flying plane with nothing but a piece of cloth strapped to her back to stop her from falling to the ground with the speed of light, in one word, she's a daredevil, beware if you see her approaching on her bike, hahaha :D




Thank God it's Friday!

Thank God it's Friday!
Image 'borrowed' from!

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Thursday 18/08/2011

Bizarre Bike Bonanza
Slightly edited shots of bike-taxis in Amsterdam, reflected in a puddle. Taken with my Sony HX1. No editing besides some messing around with contrast and colors, no magic tricks, no Photoshop. In the last years we're getting more and more of those big, bizarre bike-taxis in Amsterdam, transporting tourists through the best city in the world, blocking the bike-paths with their bulkiness and making it impossible for us locals to come home in time for dinner (as you might know, or not, we eat dinner at 18:00 in the Netherlands, early bird catches the worm or something ;), which is rather upsetting for our Mum's or Wifes, waiting at home for us with dishes made with the best ingredients and lots of love. I've spent about 145 whole days in the last year alone, trapped behind one of these babies, once they're in front of you, you might as well get off your bike, give up all your plans for the evening and walk home, they are so huge and slow that even if you take a turn into another street, they'll still be blocking your path! I don't hear the United Nations saying anything about these subhuman circumstances! Where are these people when you need them? :D




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Wednesday 17/08/2011

Downtown Puddle Butts
Unedited shots of people in Amsterdam, reflected in a puddle. Taken with my Sony HX1. No editing, no magic tricks, no Photoshop. This puddle seems to be the favorite place of every smoker in the Downtown area to dispose of their cigarette butts, I could barely see the water through the thick layer of them (the butts, not the smokers), but finally managed to snap some shots. I kinda like how the ciggies float happily through the picture, looking all artsy, it's probably the best you can do with them once they've been smoked and ended their natural life-cycle :)




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Tuesday 16/08/2011

AmsterSam Goes Abstract
Unedited shots of people and buildings in Amsterdam, reflected in a puddle. Taken with my Sony HX1. No editing, no magic tricks, no Photoshop. I don't know what it is about these shots I've posted today, but somehow they look different from my usual wicked reflections, maybe it's the colors, maybe it's the buildings or people, maybe it's because there are no bikes in there...I can't tell, but I do like them. Since I always aim to please, and to keep things fresh and interesting, I guess that's a good thing then...if only I could figure out what it is, so I can reproduce the effect and confuse your brain even more in the future, hehehe. Almost weekend :)




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Monday 15/08/2011

Monday Morning DoubleVision
Unedited shots of people at the Stadsschouwburg in Amsterdam, reflected in a puddle. Taken with my Sony HX1. No editing, no magic tricks, no Photoshop. Lately I've started liking these double vision shots better, I never really valued them as much as my 'regular' puddle pictures, but I think I'm going to play a bit more with this technique. Unfortunately it's Monday again and I have to go to work instead of being out there, spending quality time with the wet spots of the best city in the world, improving my style and confusing your brains with even wickeder reflections, but if the last months are anything to go by, I'm sure there'll be plenty of puddles left next weekend, lol. Have a good start into the new week :)




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Sunday 14/08/2011

The Kawaii Puddle
Unedited shots of tourists in Amsterdam. Taken with my Sony HX1. No editing, no magic tricks, no Photoshop. In Amsterdam you always see lots of Asian tourists, they walk around with polite smiles and cameras glued to their eyes, wondering why everybody is riding on bicycles, while preparing to take over the parts of the world that they don't own yet. As you probably know already, the Chinese are already ruling this planet, but they're still pretending that the US of A are in charge, must be that Asian shyness and modesty, if they wanted to, they could walk right up to Obama, bitchslap him and force him to dance the Lambada, naked, luckily they don't seem to want to rub the ugly truth in the Western World's face (yet), so we can continue for a couple more years to believe that we are still important and that this planet revolves around us and our ancient system of values and economies, that clearly is going down rapidly, hopefully not to be replaced by some pseudo-communist regimes. If this sounds too negative, it's probably because I'm suffering from a serious case of Winter-depression, must be those last 2 months of continuous rain that is making me see life through gray glasses, lol :)




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Saturday 13/08/2011

The Underwater Castle
Slightly edited shots of the Stadsschouwburg in Amsterdam, reflected in a puddle. Taken with my Sony HX1. No editing besides some added contrast and saturation, no magic tricks, no Photoshop. Yesterday I went downtown to shoot me some puddles, when I came across a nice one outside the Stadsschouwburg at the Leidesplein, one of my favorite buildings, because it looks a bit like a medieval castle or something. There is always some artsy thing going on there and it's worth a visit...needless to say, I've never been inside, like with all those other pretty buildings I'm usually shooting, I'm such an Ignoramus when it comes to knowing my own hometown, lol. Have a beautiful weekend, hopefully the sun will shine a bit for us :)





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Friday 12/08/2011

The Gay Days Are Over
Unedited shots of bikers in Amsterdam, reflected in a puddle. Taken with my Sony HX1. No editing, no magic tricks, no Photoshop. Last weekend Amsterdam celebrated the 2011 Gay Pride parade (Movies), but now we're back to the normal routine in the best city in the world, no more beautiful people dancing half-naked on boats and in the street, no more block parties in the city center, no more music and happy, pretty folks everywhere with big smiles...just lots of rain, a gray sky and some leftover pink balloons from the happy days...I think I'm having a Winter-depression :)




Thank God it's Friday!

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Thursday 11/08/2011

Moses And Aaron
Slightly edited shots of the Moses and Aaron Church in Amsterdam, reflected in a puddle. Taken with my Sony HX1. No editing besides some messing around with contrast and colors, no magic tricks, no Photoshop. The Moses and Aaron Church lives at the Waterlooplein, one of my favorite places in the best city in the world, because they have the giant fleemarket there. I just love strolling around, looking at all the weird, useful, wicked and pretty stuff they sell, wondering who and why would buy all these things. I think tomorrow I'll go there again, and I'll purchase the most outlandish, bizarre item I can find, take some pictures of it, post them in the Interwebs and then sell the thing for double the price on ebay, lol :)




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Wednesday 10/08/2011

Babes On Bikes
Slightly edited shots of a babes on bikes in Amsterdam. Taken with my Sony HX1. I keep saying it, the Amsterdam girls , riding around on their bikes, just have a certain something, a je ne sais quoi, a special vibration, that makes them look cool, sexy and sporty at the same time. In case you're wondering why I don't post a lot more of these shots if I like them so much, that's because these ladies travel with the speed of light, not sure how or why, but they usually swoosh by with so much force that very often the men they pass get blown off their own bikes by the twisting whirlwinds trailing them, and into the canals and oversized puddles, drowning with a smile on their face, knowing that they've been beaten by the best, the Amsterdam Bike Babes! Don't mess with them or they'll come and puncture your wheels, they know where you and your bike live, lol :D




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Tuesday 09/08/2011

The Yellow Biker
Unedited shots of tourist bikers in Amsterdam, reflected in a puddle. Taken with my Sony HX1. No editing, no magic tricks, no Photoshop. Last week I've posted some pictures of the 'Mac Biker', now it's time for the 'Yellow Biker'. If you don't know what that means, the 'Mac Bike' and the 'Yellow Bike' rental services are competing with each other in the best city in the world for their share of the tourist $$$ that is floating around, and I'm always wondering why some people decide for the red Mac bikes and others for the yellow ones, is it because the prefer one color or the other, is it because the red bikes are prettier than the yellow ones, are the red ones for advanced tourist bikers and the yellow ones for bloody beginners...questions, questions...I guess I could ask those people that actually use them, but I'm too lazy, and a bit worried that the explanation will be too random, boring and meaningless to justify writing hundreds of words about it on the Interwebs, hahaha. Almost weekend, hang in there :)




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Monday 08/08/2011

Amsterdam Gay Pride 2011
People at the 2011 Gay Pride Canal Parade in Amsterdam last weekend. Taken with my Sony HX1. Last weekend Amsterdam hosted the 'Gay Pride' again and Saturday we had the famous canal parade, where hundreds of happy, pretty and mostly gay people float through the city center on boats, while the heterosexual part of the country comes to admire them and wish they could shag their brains out for one whole beautiful, guilt-free weekend too, haha. Unfortunately it rained most of the day, but I managed to go outside in one of the dry periods and snap some shots for your entertainment, I hope you like them :)







Gay Pride Movies

I've shot some movies of the Canal Parade, check them out on my YouTube channel, thank you :)

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Sunday 07/08/2011

Amsterdam Gay Pride 2011
People at the 2011 Gay Pride Canal Parade in Amsterdam yesterday. Taken with my Sony HX1. This weekend Amsterdam is hosting the 'Gay Pride' again and yesterday we had the famous canal parade, where hundreds of happy, pretty and mostly gay people float through the city center on boats, while the heterosexual part of the country comes to admire them and wish they could shag their brains out for one whole beautiful, guilt-free weekend too, haha. Unfortunately it rained most of the day, but I managed to go outside in one of the dry periods and snap some shots for your entertainment, I hope you like them :)










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Saturday 06/08/2011

We Are Proud
Slightly edited shots of a flag promoting the 2011 Gay Pride in Amsterdam. Taken with my Sony HX1. This weekend Amsterdam is hosting the 'Gay Pride', again, the yearly display of muscular, handsome and fit men that roam the streets and canals of the best city in the world, looking for a shag friendship and freedom. I have to say, I do envy the guys for the seemingly endless fun they have during this one special weekend per year and I'd suggest we have a 'Straight Pride' too, us boring old heteros would also love to spend 3 days floating on boats, engaging in mindless sex festive activities that will enable us to get laid get to know others that share similar interests, like mindless sex like riding bikes, enjoying the sunshine engaging in mindless sex scenarios and making lots of new friends that we can shag senseless that we can spend time with discussing life, love and all that. Have a wicked, joyful weekend, don't let anybody tell you what you can or can't do, be yourself, have fun, enjoy, be proud of who and what you are :)




Gay Pride Movie

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Friday 05/08/2011

Singel Double Vision
Slightly edited shots of buildings at the Singel canal in Amsterdam. Taken with my Sony HX1. No editing besides a bit of added contrast and saturation, no magic tricks, no Photoshop. My weekend started, the sun is shining and there are plenty of puddles all over the city, so I'm quickly going to have another coffee and a shower and then I'll hop on my bike to shoot me some wicked reflections. These shots right here were made in a canal, so no rain needed for that, but in general I prefer puddles, they are in different places, they come in all shapes and sizes and they ensure a fresh view of the best city in the world, instead of always the boring old same buildings living by the canals. If God hadn't done so already, somebody would have to invent puddles, they're so useful and inspiring, at least to me :)




Thank God it's Friday!

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Thursday 04/08/2011

The Mac Biker
Unedited shots of a tourist biker in Amsterdam. Taken with my Sony HX1. I have to say, I do admire the spirit of the visitors of the best city in the world, they just rent a bike, hop on and cycle through Amsterdam, often without having been on a bike since their childhood, not being scared off by the trams, cars, trucks and native bikers, who can, as a combined team, scare the bejesus out of the toughest souls when they approach from all sides, seemingly trying to kill everything in their path. You'll also have to consider that most of those biking tourists are probably high as kites from smoking our formidable weed&hash, probably also the first time for them in years and years or maybe even their whole life, causing them to experience their vacation as a blur of faces&places, and an airy feeling of detachment...actually, that doesn't sound so bad, we should charge people extra for using our streets for their personal entertainment in such ruthless ways, lol :D




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Wednesday 03/08/2011

Heavy Traffic Reflection
Unedited shots of big vehicles in Amsterdam, reflected in a puddle. Taken with my Sony HX1. No editing, no magic tricks, no Photoshop. Amsterdam is a tiny village with narrow streets and buildings, yet the inner city is overcrowded with giant trucks, tourist buses, delivery-vehicles of all sorts, and billions of people criss-crossing through traffic in various ways. If I was the mayor of Amsterdam, I would keep anything that's bigger than a bike out of the center to make life a lot more agreeable for those who don't appreciate walking through the poisonous exhaust-pipe fumes that these dinosaurs of traffic spew all over the place as if they were fire-spitting dragons...if at least they'd look as pretty as dragons, I might not be so harsh on them, lol :)




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Tuesday 02/08/2011

The Downtown Crowd
Slightly edited shots of people at the Rembrandtplein in Amsterdam. Taken with my Sony HX1. No editing besides a bit of extra contrast. Here are some more non-reflection shots, for some obscure reason, these 'regular' pictures are often more popular than my wicked reflections, which makes me wonder if I should just let it be and focus on things that are actually visible in the real world. Not that I'm bored with shooting puddles, but if I'm the only one who looks at them, I might as well not post them to the Interwebs, lol. Oh, wait, maybe it's because there are often girls in my non-reflection pictures, at least it would be an explanation I could live with, and it would be a valid reason not to dunk my own head into a puddle the next time I'm thinking about taking those boring water pictures, hehe ;-P




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Monday 01/08/2011

The Weekend Weather Paradox
Unedited shots of people in Amsterdam, reflected in a puddle. Taken with my Sony HX1. No editing, no magic tricks, no Photoshop. I don't know who's responsible for this, but lately we have really horrible weather in the weekends, and as soon as the working week starts again, the sun comes out and happily shines on all us slaves laboring away for our Masters, surely this must be some kind of mistake, it should of course be the other way around, working when it's raining and playing when the sun shines. Whoever does this, please re-consider and try to do get things right the next time, even slaves need some sunshine, thank you. P.s. I doubt that this constitutes an actual paradox, but I liked the word, so yeah, sue me, lol ;-D




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Last Month